In-Stitute 5D Blog about virtual reality technology Fri, 09 Feb 2024 12:18:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 In-Stitute 5D 32 32 Virtual Reality: A Dive into the Future of Digital Interaction Fri, 09 Feb 2024 12:18:56 +0000 Virtual Reality (VR) represents a groundbreaking technology that transports users into a fully immersive digital world, transcending the boundaries between the physical and the virtual.…

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Virtual Reality (VR) represents a groundbreaking technology that transports users into a fully immersive digital world, transcending the boundaries between the physical and the virtual. Through the use of specialized headsets and input devices, VR offers an unparalleled level of engagement, enabling users to experience, interact with, and influence a computer-generated environment in real-time. This technology has found applications across various sectors, including gaming, education, healthcare, and real estate, revolutionizing the way we learn, play, and explore.

Gaming in Virtual Reality: The Case of Spaceman

Gaming in Virtual Reality (VR) has opened up new horizons for players and developers alike, offering an immersive experience that traditional gaming cannot match. Within this evolving landscape, certain titles stand out for their innovation, creativity, and the unique experiences they offer. One such game is “Spaceman,” which has quickly become a benchmark for immersive gameplay within the VR gaming community.

The New Frontier in VR Gaming

One of the most captivating applications of VR is in the realm of gaming. VR games offer an immersive experience that traditional gaming platforms cannot match. Players are not just observers but active participants in their digital surroundings. A prime example of this evolution in gaming is “Spaceman,” a game that has garnered attention for its engaging gameplay and innovative use of VR technology. For more details, enthusiasts can visit the game’s webpage, where they can explore the unique features that set Spaceman apart in the VR gaming landscape.

Immersive Gameplay Experience

In “Spaceman,” players embark on an interstellar adventure, navigating through the vastness of space and encountering challenges that test their skills and resolve. The game leverages VR to create a sense of presence in space, making players feel as though they are truly exploring other worlds. The interactive elements of VR enable a more engaging gameplay experience, where every action has immediate feedback in the virtual environment, enhancing the sense of immersion and realism.

Educational Applications of VR

Virtual Reality (VR) technology is reshaping educational paradigms, offering immersive learning experiences that were unimaginable a few decades ago. By integrating VR into educational settings, institutions are transforming how knowledge is conveyed and absorbed. This innovative approach not only captivates students’ imaginations but also enhances their understanding of complex subjects, making learning a more engaging and effective process.

Transforming Learning Environments

VR technology has the potential to revolutionize educational settings by providing immersive learning experiences that are both engaging and effective. Through VR, students can be transported to historical sites, dive into the human bloodstream, or explore the outer reaches of the universe, all from the safety of their classroom. This hands-on approach to learning facilitates a deeper understanding of complex subjects and fosters a greater sense of curiosity and exploration among students.

Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice

VR in education bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. By simulating real-world scenarios, students can practice and apply what they have learned in a controlled, yet realistic, environment. This is particularly beneficial in fields such as medicine, engineering, and architecture, where practical experience is crucial. VR simulations can replicate scenarios that are too dangerous, expensive, or impractical to experience in real life, providing valuable learning opportunities without the associated risks.

VR in Healthcare: A New Era of Treatment and Rehabilitation

The integration of Virtual Reality (VR) technology into the healthcare sector marks a significant shift in how medical professionals approach treatment and rehabilitation. This innovative tool is not just enhancing patient care but is also revolutionizing medical training, offering immersive, interactive experiences that were previously unimaginable. Let’s delve into how VR is transforming healthcare through its therapeutic applications and its role in medical education.

Innovative Therapeutic Applications

The healthcare sector has embraced VR technology as a tool for treatment and rehabilitation. VR applications in healthcare range from pain management and psychological therapy to surgical training and patient education. For instance, VR has been used to create immersive environments that help patients manage chronic pain or overcome phobias and anxiety disorders. The interactive nature of VR allows for personalized therapy sessions that can adapt to the specific needs and progress of each patient.

Enhancing Medical Training

VR also plays a critical role in medical training, offering a safe and effective platform for simulating surgical procedures and clinical scenarios. Medical students and professionals can practice their skills on virtual patients, gaining experience and confidence without the risk of harm. This hands-on approach enhances the learning process, preparing future healthcare providers for the complexities of real-world medical practice.

The Future of VR: Trends and Innovations

Virtual Reality (VR) is at the forefront of technological advancement, continuously pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in digital environments. As we look towards the future, several trends and innovations stand out, promising to further revolutionize the VR landscape. This evolution is not just about enhancing visual fidelity or expanding virtual worlds; it’s about creating more intuitive, immersive, and personalized experiences that blur the line between the virtual and the real.

Expanding Horizons

As VR technology continues to evolve, its applications are becoming more diverse and innovative. The future of VR holds promise for even more immersive experiences, with advancements in haptic feedback, motion tracking, and visual fidelity. These improvements will further blur the line between the virtual and the real, opening up new possibilities for entertainment, education, and beyond.

The Role of AI in Enhancing VR

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to play a significant role in the future development of VR. By integrating AI with VR, experiences can become more dynamic and responsive to user actions, creating personalized and adaptive virtual environments. This combination of technologies will pave the way for more natural interactions within VR spaces, making them more intuitive and lifelike.


Virtual Reality is more than just a technological marvel; it is a portal to new worlds and experiences that were once beyond our imagination. From gaming to education, and healthcare, VR is transforming industries and reshaping our digital interactions. As we stand on the cusp of this new era, it is clear that VR will continue to play a pivotal role in the evolution of our digital lives, offering endless possibilities for exploration, learning, and entertainment.

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Educational Frontiers: Virtual Reality in the Classroom Tue, 05 Dec 2023 10:28:00 +0000 In the ever-evolving landscape of education, technology continues to play a pivotal role in shaping the way students learn and engage with information. One of…

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In the ever-evolving landscape of education, technology continues to play a pivotal role in shaping the way students learn and engage with information. One of the most transformative advancements in recent years is the integration of Virtual Reality (VR) into the classroom setting. This immersive technology has opened up new educational frontiers, enhancing learning experiences, facilitating virtual field trips, and providing hands-on training across various fields.

Enhancing Learning Experiences: A Journey Beyond Textbooks

Traditional teaching methods often rely on textbooks, lectures, and static images to convey complex concepts. Virtual Reality takes education to new heights by providing students with immersive and interactive learning experiences. Instead of reading about historical events or scientific processes, students can now step into a virtual world that brings these subjects to life.

For instance, history classes can transport students to significant moments in time, allowing them to witness historical events firsthand. This firsthand experience fosters a deeper understanding and connection with the material, making learning more engaging and memorable.

In the realm of science, complex biological processes or astronomical phenomena can be visualized in three dimensions. Students can explore the intricacies of a cell or journey through the cosmos, gaining a profound understanding that goes beyond what traditional methods can offer.

Facilitating Virtual Field Trips: Beyond Classroom Walls

One of the most exciting applications of VR in education is its ability to facilitate virtual field trips. For schools with budget constraints or logistical challenges, VR provides an affordable and accessible alternative to traditional excursions. Students can explore ancient civilizations, visit renowned museums, or dive into ecosystems without leaving the classroom.

Imagine a geography class where students can stand on the Great Wall of China, walk through the Amazon rainforest, or explore the depths of the Grand Canyon. Virtual field trips not only broaden students’ perspectives but also make learning geography, history, and other subjects a truly immersive adventure.

Providing Hands-on Training: Bridging Theory and Practice

In addition to enhancing theoretical knowledge, VR brings a hands-on dimension to education. This is particularly valuable in fields where practical experience is essential. For example, medical students can utilize VR simulations to practice surgeries or diagnose virtual patients. This hands-on training allows them to refine their skills in a risk-free environment before entering the operating room.

Similarly, engineering students can engage in virtual labs where they can experiment with concepts in physics, chemistry, and electronics. These simulated environments provide a safe space for trial and error, fostering a deeper understanding of scientific principles.

Beyond traditional academia, vocational training benefits immensely from VR applications. Whether it’s learning automotive repair, plumbing techniques, or culinary skills, VR allows students to hone their craft through realistic simulations. This approach bridges the gap between theory and practice, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared for the demands of their chosen professions.

Overcoming Challenges and Expanding Access

While the integration of VR in education brings tremendous benefits, challenges such as cost, technical requirements, and the need for specialized training for educators still exist. However, as technology advances, costs are likely to decrease, and user-friendly platforms will become more prevalent, making VR more accessible to educational institutions.

Moreover, the potential for virtual reality to democratize education is vast. It has the power to level the playing field, providing students from diverse backgrounds with equal access to high-quality educational experiences. As the technology becomes more widespread, it has the potential to bridge gaps in educational resources, ensuring that all students, regardless of their geographical location or socioeconomic status, have access to a world-class education.

The Future of Education: A Virtual Horizon

As we peer into the future of education, it’s evident that Virtual Reality is poised to become an integral part of the learning experience. The immersive and interactive nature of VR not only captures students’ attention but also nurtures a curiosity and passion for learning. As the technology continues to evolve, educators, policymakers, and innovators must collaborate to harness its full potential and ensure that the educational frontiers it opens up benefit students worldwide.

In conclusion, Virtual Reality in the classroom is not just a technological novelty; it’s a transformative force that has the potential to revolutionize the way we educate future generations. From enhancing learning experiences to facilitating virtual field trips and providing hands-on training, VR is breaking down the barriers of traditional education, paving the way for a more immersive and inclusive learning environment. The educational landscape is evolving, and Virtual Reality is at the forefront of this educational revolution, offering a glimpse into a future where the boundaries of the classroom are no longer confined by walls but expanded by the limitless possibilities of virtual exploration.

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What parameters to look for when choosing VR glasses Thu, 02 Mar 2023 08:40:06 +0000 An important criterion in choosing VR glasses for smartphones is the viewing angle, which determines how much of the picture the user will see.

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An important criterion in choosing VR glasses for smartphones is the viewing angle, which determines how much of the picture the user will see. The wider the viewing angle, the more comfortable it is to be in a virtual space. Virtual reality glasses are available with a viewing angle of 75 to 110 degrees.

The headset must have only one input device. It doesn’t have to be a key. It can just be a hole for your finger to press on the display. If the device does have keys, they are usually little levers that push the display for you. What can you do with a single button? Select menu items or perform simple and rather slow actions in games. Some VR glasses do without buttons at all: just tilt your head toward the desired menu section and linger for a couple of seconds. Or turn your head to change the direction of movement in the game. For example, the aforementioned Gear VR has a convenient control system – a touchpad on the side, similar to a laptop trackpad. It does not work perfectly, but it replaces several functions at once: swipes, scrolling, pressing, holding, and the “Back” action.

Adjustment of interpupillary distance allows you to use the glasses according to the anatomical data of the user, and focus adjustment – comfortably use the helmet for people with imperfect vision.

The kit includes interchangeable lenses and a soft base that will extend the time of use. You should also pay attention to the mount that holds your smartphone during the game, and the ability to adjust the straps that secure the glasses to your head.

Almost all virtual reality headsets can be worn over vision correction glasses. Many models provide the ability to adjust the distance between your face and the lenses. Where this cannot be done, however, the glasses can put pressure on the bridge of your nose.

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Tactile and other sensations Sat, 04 Feb 2023 08:36:00 +0000 Such gloves are equipped with sensors that make it possible to track the movements of hands and fingers. Technically, this can be accomplished in a variety of ways

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Virtual reality gloves (datagloves)
Such gloves are equipped with sensors that make it possible to track the movements of hands and fingers. Technically, this can be accomplished in a variety of ways: using fiber optic cables, strain gauge or piezoelectric sensors, and electromechanical devices (such as potentiometers).8 For example, researchers from EPFL and ETH Zurich have developed ultralight gloves (weighing less than 8 grams per finger and only 2 mm thick). They provide “extremely realistic haptic feedback and can be battery-powered, allowing unprecedented freedom of movement.”

Virtual Reality Suit
This suit is supposed to track changes in the user’s entire body position and transmit tactile, temperature and vibration sensations and, when combined with a helmet, visual and auditory sensations.

Smells and Tastes
We have been working on odor synthesis for years, but the results are still far from being widely used. We cannot yet speak of any significant achievements in the field of gustatory sensations transmission.

Control devices
In order to interact with virtual environment we use special joysticks (gamepads, wands), that contain built-in position and motion sensors, as well as buttons and scroll wheels, just like a mouse. Nowadays such joysticks are more and more often made wirelessly.

The aforementioned information gloves and virtual reality suits can also be used as control devices.

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When did virtual reality appear? Tue, 17 Jan 2023 08:49:00 +0000 Virtual reality technology first began to be discussed in works of fiction. A 1935 story "Pygmalion's Glasses" described the principle of modern VR

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Virtual reality technology first began to be discussed in works of fiction. A 1935 story “Pygmalion’s Glasses” described the principle of modern VR: wearing special glasses, the characters become participants in the movie, feel smells, touch and even talk to the characters.

Perhaps the author was inspired by the stereoscope created in 1838 by Charles Wheatston. Through the stereoscope, viewers looked at a picture that appeared three-dimensional through mirrors. The design principles of the stereoscope are still used today in VR goggle systems for smartphones.

In 1962, the Sensorama machine was invented, playing short films. The viewer was involved in the action on the screen as the device engaged the senses – sight, hearing, smell and touch. Sensorama mimicked tactile effects, such as wind.

There was another significant prototype of modern VR helmets in 1968, the Sword of Damocles. In addition to immersion, the system could track the user’s gaze and head.

Finally, in the 1980s, the term “VR” was created and popularized by scientist Jaron Lanier, who founded VPL Research. His company created several VR devices such as VR gloves and VR glasses.

In the 20th century, VR underwent a series of failures in the mass-market phase, so the technology existed only in the form of concepts. It didn’t gain recognition until 2010, when Palmer Lackey announced the first consumer Oculus Rift helmet. It was the first headset with which virtual reality began to be commercialized, and subsequently actively developed the technology.

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Images Sat, 10 Dec 2022 08:33:00 +0000 Modern virtual reality helmets (HMD-display, head-mounted display, video helmet) contain one or more displays that display images for the left and right eyes

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Virtual reality helmet
Modern virtual reality helmets (HMD-display, head-mounted display, video helmet) contain one or more displays that display images for the left and right eyes, a lens system for correcting image geometry, and a tracking system that tracks the device’s orientation in space. They are now similar in appearance to glasses, so they are increasingly called VR headsets or simply virtual reality glasses.

They can be divided into three groups:

Glasses in which image processing and output is provided by a smartphone (Android, iPhone, Windows Phone). A modern smartphone is a high-performance device capable of independently processing three-dimensional images. Smartphone displays have a sufficiently high resolution. Almost every smartphone is equipped with sensors that allow to determine the position of the device in space.

  1. glasses, in which image processing is provided by an external device (PC, Xbox, PlayStation, etc.). The external device must be high-performance, and the glasses are equipped with position sensors.
  2. standalone virtual reality glasses (Lenovo Mirage Solo, with Google, Facebook’s Oculus Quest, Samsung Gear VR).
    Helmets are a major component of fully immersive VR, as they not only provide surround images and stereo sound, but also partially isolate the user from the surrounding reality.

MotionParallax3D displays
Such displays use the inherent human mechanism of volume perception – motion parallax. For this purpose, at any given moment of time for the viewer, based on his position relative to the screen, the corresponding projection of a three-dimensional object is generated. Moving around the scene, the user can look at it from all sides, with all objects of the scene will move relative to each other.

The phenomenon of parallax greatly enhances the perception of volume. Unlike 3D cinema and 3D TV, which only use binocular vision, MotionParallax3D technology allows the user to view a 3D scene from all sides, as if all the objects were real. Moving the viewer relative to the screen, which disturbs the volume effect in 3D cinema, in the MotionParallax3D system only enhances the effect.

A system that uses a parallax mechanism must pick up the smallest movements of the user’s head and track them with high speed and accuracy, so the brain does not detect distortions of the geometry of objects caused by a delayed change in the image. The delay should be no more than 20 ms, for interactive games no more than 11 ms.

These devices provide, as a rule, incomplete immersion, because they are played on displays and do not isolate the user from the environment.

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Perspectives on Virtual Reality Thu, 19 May 2022 07:30:00 +0000 Experts in the field of computer technology believe that over the next five years, virtual and augmented reality technologies will gain popularity, becoming no less relevant and in demand than smartphones are now.

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Experts in the field of computer technology believe that over the next five years, virtual and augmented reality technologies will gain popularity, becoming no less relevant and in demand than smartphones are now.

Improvements in the software in the devices will reach a level of development that will improve the image quality of 4000 × 4000 dots on both eyes of the user at 90 fps, which will help expand the scope of virtual reality technology. It is not unreasonable to assume that it will be most in demand in the gaming industry, because it will provide a maximum level of realism of what is happening.

There are already plenty of opportunities to visit exhibitions in art museums and galleries, such as the Courtauld or the Salvador Dali Museum, from the comfort of your own home. It doesn’t seem fantastic to be present live at the concert of your favorite band or a sports match as a fan. What to say about movies and musicals, familiarity with which in virtual reality will help the viewer to feel part of the exciting action.

Many real estate agencies are planning in 2023 to create a virtual catalog of residential properties, which clearly shows the houses and apartments, their layout and interior design. In this way the client will be able to assess the environment without his or her physical presence.
The expansion of opportunities in medicine, industry, and education will take place due to the fact that in the near future all control tools such as mice, keyboards, and joysticks will be replaced by virtual ones. This will facilitate a more productive interaction with the elements of the environment and users among themselves.

To date, the introduction of virtual reality technology is low-intensity due to the lack of a customer base and the lack of necessary tools from manufacturers. It is difficult for users to trust the developers who produce software for virtual environments, because as yet there are no large-scale effective projects that can be guided by.

Large corporations, in particular Google, Sony, Microsoft, and Facebook, are engaged in solving this problem. For example, Google released for sale virtual reality devices Cardboard, before it allocated a million pieces for free for testing. In its majority, technical experts believe that the most popular will be the virtual reality equipment Oculus Rift.

Facebook and YouTube have launched support for online virtual reality services.

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Full immersion effect Wed, 26 Jan 2022 08:35:00 +0000 The term "total immersion" is familiar to viewers from device commercials as well as to users from descriptions of multimedia products.

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The term “total immersion” is familiar to viewers from device commercials as well as to users from descriptions of multimedia products.

The effect of total immersion is a suggestible state of human self-perception, in which the real position in space and sense of time are distorted, and self-consciousness is blurred or lost altogether. At the same time, feelings aimed at interacting with reality and processing information (volitional concentration, conscious actions on the physical level, body positioning) become confused in relation to the usual system of coordinates.

In practice, there are several basic varieties and directions of using the effect of total immersion:

general – performed at the intellectual level, when solving mental problems, by finding a way out of given conditions (scientists, chess players);
local – occurs during short-term actions, feelings of lift, being “in the blow” (operations at work, game tasks);
cognitive – it arises when there is a deepening in reading, a film’s plot;
emotional – occurs when there is a need to recreate in the user those emotions that are experienced by the viewed character of a movie, book or game.

Regarding the levels of perception there are the following types of the effect of total immersion:

spatial – the emergence of a sense of reality of the simulated world around him (the main criterion – the impossibility of knowing at first glance or touch whether the objects around him are real);
sensual – when some parts of the brain are stimulated, a sense of reality of the imagined environment emerges, against the background of the working senses;
psychological – appears when the player’s self-consciousness transitions to the character of the game.

What is it for
The main purpose of the full immersion effect is to transfer the user’s consciousness and sensations in a fictional environment that is not real to him, while experiencing the real feelings arising from being in previously unknown terrains, in hard-to-reach, simulated circumstances.

As a consequence, the person enjoys being in a virtual environment or other desired effect.

Creation techniques
The effect of total immersion is a complex influence on all of the senses: tactile perception, vision, sense of smell and taste, hearing, vestibular system, as well as thinking. The simultaneous influence of stimuli on all the senses creates a sense of real atmosphere and even personal presence in a fictional place and any time.

A well-established combination of technologies to recreate realistic sounds and appropriate music, the creation of high-quality graphics and lighting effects, an elaborate storyline (gameplay) and an authentic historical plot, as well as the human capacity for imagination and decision-making transport the user into a new reality.

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Virtual environment with generalized infrastructure Fri, 14 Jan 2022 08:01:00 +0000 This type includes Second Life and Minecraft. The only thing that does not allow you to classify these worlds as virtual environments in full measure, is the lack of the effect of deep immersion.

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This type includes Second Life and Minecraft. The only thing that does not allow you to classify these worlds as virtual environments in full measure, is the lack of the effect of deep immersion. However, with regard to Minecraft, this only applies to the version with standard controls, because the later, created for virtual reality game supports Oculus Rift and Gear VR helmets.

And yet the technology of these games involves interaction with other users, which is not typical for typical virtual reality.

Interactive worlds are not only popular in the games industry. For example, platforms such as 3D Immersive Collaboration and Open Cobalt are used in educational processes that provide an immersive experience.

Today, the development of virtual reality technology is aimed at achieving absolute immersion and interaction with other participants simultaneously.

Virtual infrastructure is an analogue of the traditional (physical) IT infrastructure that serves the business processes in a modern company. It is a set of servers and special software installed on them which are located on the equipment of a hosting provider.

What is IaaS
In the English version of the term sounds like IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service. The client receives a pool of virtual resources, which includes:

  1. The ability to connect other resources (such as graphics power;
  2. Processor capacity;
  3. RAM;
  4. Disk space.

Each client has an Internet channel for server access and data transfer, an external IP address (possibility to connect several IP addresses), virtual machines (based on Windows Server, CentOS, Ubuntu Server, etc.) and licensed software. Using different combinations of resources, installing any system and application applications, you can create a working environment that meets the needs of a particular business.

VMware’s virtual infrastructure is based on the following principles:

  1. Partitioning: multiple operating systems run on a single physical machine, and resources are distributed across multiple virtual machines;
  2. isolation: faults that occur in one virtual machine do not affect other virtual machines, even if they are on the same physical server;
  3. mobility: the virtual machine, which is stored as a set of files, can be moved and copied.

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Applications of VR technology Fri, 08 Oct 2021 07:18:00 +0000 An opportunity to show the product in person, to create a connection between a person and a brand, to show the "inner kitchen" of a company.

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Due to the versatility of technology AR and VR are used in a variety of areas.

An opportunity to show the product in person, to create a connection between a person and a brand, to show the “inner kitchen” of a company. It can be a corporate game that introduces the values of the company, shows offices, employees, production. In virtual reality you can provide instant access to the entire product range, easily change and adapt your applications, add new content and assortment.

Thanks to virtual and augmented reality, a person can see the “product face” at any time. A virtual showroom allows even the largest assortment to be displayed. VR also allows real salespeople to be remotely connected to the product demonstration. In this way, a small virtual reality helmet becomes a large-scale sales center.

Virtual reality allows effective training of employees in interaction with customers and colleagues, honing business processes, and learning how complex equipment works. The virtual reality technologies give almost unlimited possibilities to create training courses of different complexity level, to test and monitor the training process.

The development of VR devices has made it possible to use virtual reality for a variety of industries. The main application is staff training and simulation. VR allows to effectively train employees not only the rules of conduct in the workplace, but also allows to pump the skills of working with complex equipment. When working on a new product, virtual reality allows even the most complex processes and phenomena to be visualized, simplifying testing and development.

Real Estate
Virtual reality has only recently become an effective tool for real estate, thanks to new models of VR glasses that allow you to visualize objects in high quality. Your clients will not only be able to see future properties with their own eyes, but also interact with the objects inside the apartments, add their own interior objects, and change the visual style of the interior.

Exhibitions and events
Virtual and augmented reality has a wide range of applications for events: demonstration applications, games for guests, company presentations. The key difference in the development for events is the contact time of the users with the application. Over 4 years of creating VR applications for different events Helmeton’s team learned how to maximize the effectiveness for the brand in a short time interactions of customers with VR and AR applications.

The main feature of virtual reality games is a full immersion of the player in the game world. If the gameplay implies active interaction between the player and the world around him, the player’s involvement goes to a completely different level compared to conventional games.

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