Modern virtual and augmented reality technology is in its active development stage, but it already makes sense to talk about some safety issues. After all, this tool, like hundreds of other innovations, carries certain risks that need to be taken into account and understood how to deal with them.

Identity theft
A hacker attack can result in the leakage of personal data, whether the user is a private person or a large company. This in itself is bad enough, because intruders can use the information obtained for criminal purposes. But much worse can be the consequences of hacking in virtual reality.

The thing is that in this case cybercriminals get their hands not only on users’ names and passwords, but also on their biometric data. In this way, the fraudster is able to appropriate the identity of a real person.

Distortion of reality
There is a potential danger that a hacker can modify the application code and alter the virtual reality as he sees fit. There are a lot of variants. For example, he can use the information about the company to his detriment by adding false information or provocative corrections. By doing so, it contributes to the loss of user trust and the company’s reputation.

Headset Attack
Cybercriminals can target not only computers and mobile devices, but also headsets used for virtual reality. As in the previous case, their targets can be diverse.

Virtual theft
Among the other dangers of virtual reality are the actions of fraudsters to take someone else’s property. Let’s say you are taking part in a competition to design a residential house, the result of which is to provide a living space to the winner. So, you win and the organizers have fulfilled their obligations. You take possession of the house with excitement and anticipation. Meanwhile, hackers, hacking into the server, change the ownership, leaving you with nothing.

The impact on the psyche
Unfortunately, not only the companies engaged in the development of virtual reality technology, designed to simplify and embellish the lives of users, but also the criminals, whose achievements also do not stand still. One of the activities of fraudsters is the negative impact on the human psyche, which in the virtual world can be a really scary weapon.

Digital technologies of virtual and augmented reality open up a host of new and unique opportunities for humanity. This is a big step into the future, the rapid development of which is just around the corner. Thanks to such a tool, we will be able to significantly improve the quality of our lives, make many useful scientific discoveries, and achieve high performance in industry; the main thing is to be aware of the possible risks.